DAY 322 – BEDONG – 98 KM

Street art George Town Malaysia Little Childrel on a Bicycle

We’ve learned that the population of Malaysia, as well as in southern Thailand, is predominantly muslim.

Contrary to what one may think, and based on what we have perceived up to now, women live their lives without particular restrictions, drive the car and move independently, and approach other people easily. Very few are those who wear full veils; usually only the hair is covered and the face is highlighted by the bright colors of the veil.

The sense of cultural integration is sensational, and we don’t feel judged or uneasiness, although we ride in short pants and short-sleeved shirts.

Everyone greets us and tells us “welcome to Malaysia”. This is the first time so many people have dedicated this phrase to us. How beautiful is these words?!It made us think. Very often at home we forget to welcome foreigners. This give to the traveler a wonderful feeling, you know?! We should strive to do it more ❤️

We can’t find hospitality in buddhist temples, and we decide to do others 12 km at sunset to reach the nearby village and sleep in a small guesthouse. We thus arrive at almost 100 km.

But let’s think about the positive side: tomorrow we’ll have less km to do and we’ll be able to sleep half an hour more! ✌️😅

Tomorrow we’ll take a ferry. And who knows where it will take us. We actually know it, but aren’t you curious?!

The photo is a small preview! Enjoy!


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