DAY 272 – KOH KER – 80 KM + DAY 273 – SIEM REAP – 115 KM

Panorama of Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat view

This is the land of the great temples. Enormous sandstone constructions dating back to around XI century, with an invaluable historical and religious value. They are a tourist destination for thousands of visitors every year.

The archaeological site of Angkor Wat is a UNESCO heritage site and is one of the seven wonders of the world. It wouldn’t take a week to discover and enjoy them all.

However, it’s right to point out that they are poorly maintained, poorly valued, poorly managed and polluted. Wherever there is a feeling that they are used only as a source of income.

As in the rest of Asia, the entrance to these sites is quite expensive and in latest years the prices have further increased significantly given the tourist approval (just to give you an example: a daily admission to Angkor Wat in 2016 was 20 dollars, now instead 37 dollars per person).

The absolute beauty of these places is given by Nature, and its ability to infiltrate and beautify these structures, to create an indissoluble bond of positive energy between man and the Earth. And then we let ourselves be carried away by these sensations, and we enjoy this wonderful experience. And with bikes is worth twice as much! 🤘😎☀️


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