DAY 270 – CHHAEB – 85 KM + DAY 271 – PREAH VIHEAR – 56 KM

Meeting on the road cycling
Cyclist friends

The roads are better than those found immediately after the border. The asphalt allows us to maintain a good pace, and we stop only for a few small breaks, to enjoy a mango and a sip of water from our water bottles, which become lukewarm due to the high temperatures.

The problem, the nuisance, call it what you want, are the cars. We already said it: they go fast, too fast and too close to us. Road speed limits, when reported, are not respected, and giving precedence doesn’t even know what it means.

There is the law of the jungle: the strongest, the biggest, the fastest, the smartest wins. It’s a difficult situation.

On our way we meet other riders: a small group of 4 nice ladies from Africa, some elderly but incredibly full of energy couples from Germany and France, a gentleman from Holland, other guys from Switzerland. Random meetings, unexpected meetings, pleasant and precious meetings, meetings that warm the heart and get better the day ☀️🙏😊


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