DAY 238 – LAK SAO – 51 KM

W E L C O M E . T O . L A O S

Landscape of the Laos countryside near Namphao border

The last kilometers in vietnamese territory are intense. We climb roads with a damaged asphalt. We ride immersed in a nature so green and so overwhelming. The sky is cloudy, as often happens in these areas, at this time of year. There are 15 degrees and an incredible humidity: we can’t understand if we’re more soaked by the sweat or the fog that gently envelops us.

We arrive at the top with stocks of water that are starting to run out. It hardly ever happens, but this time we underestimated the route’s difficulty. A group of stray dogs begins to bark furiously, and encircles us. They don’t seem very happy to see us. We try to keep calm and continue to ride slowly. Luckily for us, we find a gas station nearby, and the guy who takes care of it keeps dogs away from our bicycles, distracting them. He also gives us a free bottle of water, although we insist on paying for it.

The transition to the border takes place quickly and without any difficulty. They don’t even control the bikes. We get the visa and we immediately get back riding. It’s past 2 pm and we decide to stop just a moment to eat. We have some tomatoes, some bananas, some nuts, some crackers a bit too sweet and some biscuits, and the essential instant coffee. How lucky we are also today!

There are another 30 km before reaching the night’s accommodation. There are not many, but we want to get to the town in a good time to withdraw the KIP (laotian currency) and buy the new SIM for our phones. We’re still wet from the ascent, and shivering by the inevitable stop at the customs.

And here comes the unpredictable.

We start to go down quickly. The mountain becomes our friend and accompanies us carefree towards the valley. The sun peeps and our skin starts to dry out. The temperature increases, like the amazement in our eyes. Around us the landscape completely changed: the luxuriant vegetation gives way to expanses of land destined to the pastures, to the cultivated fields. The green becomes gradually dimmer, until it becomes yellow and amber. The ground is dry and the roads are dusty. Only where the river flows the grass is bright green, and the mountain side is covered by forest. Typical vietnamese cement houses are replaced by wooden stilts. The children play on the street and stop, watching us astonished, as we pass by.

Fatigue leaves space for enthusiasm, and the last kilometers are not even feel. The bicycles don’t seem to touch the asphalt: they move gracefully and fast.We’re amazed. We’re smiling. We’re happy ☀️😍❤️

As in life, it’s often a matter of overcoming that mountain, that obstacle. Beyond the top you find yourself in a different state of mind. And if you’re lucky, if you worked well along the way, if you persevering and are able to adapt but remaining faithful to yourself, then you will be able to discover and enjoy that new mood. Your mood.


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