DAY 194 – HUAIHUA – 55 KM + DAY 195 – HONGJIANG – 73 KM


It’s true: we restarted riding again, and we are very excited about it!

But it’s also true that for days we arrive at the end of the day soaking in the rain, chilled by the low temperatures (which today, for example, fluctuated from 3°C to -2°C) and also quite tired by the challenging up and down.

We arrive at the end of the day with a headache – and we never suffered headaches – for all the trumpeting horns of every single vehicle we meet, and for the discomfort we feel in seeing this part of the planet definitely mistreated.

We arrive at the end of the day that often, before finding an accommodation that hosts us, people said no only because we are foreigners. We learnt that to accept a stranger, a hotel must have certain requirements and a special permit from the chinese government. But also that, despite having the international banner and international writings, and despite it’s bookable online by anyone, this doesn’t mean that it accepts foreigners. So you turn and turn around like a spinning top, feeling like an unwanted person, until you find someone who feel sorry and host you illegally (without registration and without receipt, and with a nice “guys I recommend you do not go out tonight because if the police catch us then… ” cit.)

All this, simply to tell you that this journey is not always easy and positive. If we decide to unveil the negative side of a country while remaining respectful in ways and tones, using a positive attitude, and if we think it’s right to not complain, this doesn’t mean that it’s a simple project to be realized and we arrive at the end of the day always at the top.

Should we be more objective and rational? Should we share more photos of the “dark side” of the countries we travel to? Should we complain more, to seem perhaps “more human”?

No, we don’t believe this is the best path for effective sharing. It’s right to be sincere and to be a spokesperson of life as it’s around the world, but without influencing (positively or negatively) the thought of those who read our messages.

If it’s true that our personal happiness is re-created by us, then we’re happy to always keep our smile on our lips and with a proactive attitude. If it’s true that the happiness of all of us is here, in our daily life, then we want to be grateful for what we’re doing, and continue to look for beauty in every little thing, every day, everywhere.

We are on the right path to happiness. And you?! ☀️🙏🌿


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