Pause for reflection to the bus stop.
We put to the test, pedaling after pedaling, ascent after ascent.
And we realize that the success of a trip doesn’t depend only on planning and willpower.
It depends also on the wind and the rain, the sun and the temperature, the hours of sleep, the hunger satisfied, the serenity of those around you.
It is the primordial needs that must be satisfied, like when we were children.
And day after day, we are committed to returning children!
And wonder takes the upper hand over thoughts; fears leave space for curiosity and the desire for freedom; the legs become lighter and the weather doesn’t scare any more; we go forward with a smile and with confidence, in the direction of our goals.
We should all try to be a little more carefree.
We should all try to give more value to our real needs.
We should all try to be more ourselves, away from the false stereotypes that society imposes on us.
We should all try to realize our dreams, to realize ourselves!
We have already set ourselves to work! And you?! 🤘😎🔝



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