DAY 289 – TRAPEANG RUNG – 41 KM + DAY 290 – KOH KONG – 62 KM


We will certainly remember Cambodia for the fastest drivers in Southeast Asia (until now); the fastest and the most smiling too: that’s why we immediately renamed them “smi-rivers” (smiling drivers)

We feel like knights: well-connected helmet; armed with courage, confidence and good intentions; protected, more or less, from our two-wheeled armor; with the daunting task of conquering the world. And as brave knights we go on, grateful to life and enthusiastic about our mission.

Ok, maybe we exaggerated a little but the comparison was nice! ✌️😅

So, last stages in Cambodia!And we already feel the thrill of crossing the border and discovering a new country: Thailand we’re coming! 🤘😎🔝

“A man on foot, on horseback or on a bicycle will see more, feel more, enjoy more in one mile than the motorised tourists can in a hundred miles”

Edward Abbey


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