DAY 259 – PAKSE – 75 KM

Tipical market in Laos

We arrive on Saturday, in the early afternoon, in the eye of the sun. Exhausted and hot, sweaty and hungry.

First we decide to find a cheap place to spend the night, and lighten from the heavy bags.

We take off our “armor” and we immediately remount on the bicycles, looking for chains, without even taking a moment for a shower.

All the shops are open: there is a buzz for the weekend and for the last days of Chinese New Year celebrations.

All the shops are open: the stalls are full of colorful fruits and vegetables, the buckets are full of fish still alive, the mechanics of scooters struggling with some repairs, and the tuc tuc running around left and right full of tourists.

All the shops are open: all except bicycle shops.

Sometimes, the best solution is just to wait. Wait patiently.

So let’s wait for Monday to see what will be our fate. But in the meantime, we meditate on any endings, and we plan the plan A, plan B and plan C too.

Also because in one week the visa expires, and this is not a little detail!

Think positive and full speed ahead 🤘😎🔝


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