DAY 257 – NAPONG – 85 KM

Nooddle soup and ice tea on the way to the South of Laos

Houston we have a problem!

A few days ago we replaced our chains with a new pair, purchased when we were still in China.

Usually, in this type of travel and with the weight we carry, the chains can make at most 2000 km. Well: our, just mounted, after only 300 km, are already to be chased away!

The problem? In China, they sold us fake and poor quality chains.

The real problem? In the south of Laos you can’t find any kind of spare parts for bicycles, nor new chains (the only bicycles that we saw around are those of children, single-speed and therefore with chains not compatible with ours).

We’re thinking about how to organize ourselves, how to proceed, how to optimize times, in accordance with our resources and our planned itinerary.

Scrambling the cards on the table, we could reach the nearest city on a day of travel but we still have no certainty of finding a store stocked.

We have already contacting other riders, sending e-mails to the bicycle shops, and also to those in the Capital who could then send the material to the south of the Country.

Fingers crossed! We keep you updated! 🤞😊


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