DAY 234 – THANH HOA – 58 KM + DAY 235 – CAU GIAT – 81 KM

Nice meeting riding bike in Tam Coc

Rainy days, muddy puddles and heavy traffic. Days of wind and low temperatures, of fatigue. Days of great satisfaction once we arrived at our destination.

Think back to the beautiful meetings of the last days, with other bicycle travellers. Peter, a sixty year old, from Australia, with long and white hair and an overwhelming smile, met on the road to Tam Coc. And Martin, a forty year old, from Sweden, as thin as full of energy, met in a local restaurant.

We met them in different circumstances, at different times. Peter was riding and Martin was biting a slice of steaming pizza. We immediately got along and we spent whole, long and full minutes talking. Of everything.

What do we have in common with these people, besides the passion for travel and cycling?! Love for Italy!

Peter met his wife in Perugia. And Martin showed us the photos of his “trophies” that he hung on the wall: a racing bicycle made in Italy and some small frames with the covers of the books of the “Giro d’Italia”.

Both traveled these same countries (China and South East Asia) even in the early 90s and in 2000. At that time everyone was cycling, and there were very few cars, and nature was lush, and the sky always blue, and clean air.

How positive envy for having tasted a world that is no longer like that.

We know the environmental situation of our planet well. We’re aware that we must change. And we have to remember every morning, every time we turn on the car, every time we go shopping, every time we eat something.

The world changes, and quickly too. A journey like ours, in 10 years, will bring different memories. The views will be changed, people will be changed. And probably, they will not be for the better.

If you wish to travel, do it now.

Start saving money and live your dream.

Enjoy life. And if you can, if you want, do it with Awareness and Respect. And with Love, so much Love ☀️😍❤️


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