DAY 206 – LUWU – 84 KM


Kids of Chinese village is the best part of the travel

Last days in China, and as promised we share some of our feelings.Let’s start with the positive ones!

* The people, those curious and enterprising, those who didn’t know English but didn’t let themselves be intimidated and came to meet us. These episodes aren’t too much, but these are the moments that we have enjoyed most and that we will remember with pleasure.
* The children and their amazement in seeing us, as if we were UFOs. And again, their smiles and enthusiasm with which they have always told us “hallo!” 😊

* The peasant life and the history of local products. We had the opportunity to see the phases of harvesting and processing of chili, corn, sugar cane, mandarins, bamboo and cotton. Farmers was always willing and enthusiastic to get to know us and to let us peek at their work.

* The main roads are wide and well maintained, compared to the roads rided in Russia and Mongolia (of course, as in all things, there are exceptions). As for the secondary streets, however, we had to work hard in China, even more than in previous countries. But we always had fun!

* The importance of awareness. Because many things can be told, explained, seen through a computer screen or on TV, but until you try them on your skin they will always seem “distant” (in reference to the sad reality of the facts known in China). Moreover, another virtue understood in a deeper way is perseverance, a resource that is even more valuable than talent, and quality inherent in Nature, our first teacher and source of inspiration.

* Last but not least, us. We didn’t lose heart and we remained faithful to the itinerary and our intentions, firm in pursuing our goal, despite the desire to run away from this country was so great. We remained together, without making us overcome by exhaustion and discomfort. And we assure you that under these conditions, it’s the most important goal, and our greatest satisfaction ☀️😍❤️


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