DAY 169 – PINGYAO – 85 KM+ DAY 170 – HUOZHOU – 106 KM

The coal effect in Northen China

The coal dust covers roads and nature, all around us. The coal dust is in the air and on our skin. We weren’t in the mine, obviously not. We just decided to pick up the bike and ride a bit. In China.

We will not be there long. But the people who live here instead?! People who breathe the same air that we breathed today, every day?!

Our lungs are emptied of good air. Our minds are emptied of positive thoughts. Anxiety and anger grow on our skin. In our eyes only grayness and a few tears.

Only our hearts remain confident, filled with love and hope. And this is the important thing.

Love is the engine of this Earth ☀️🙏🌿


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