W E L C O M E . T O . C H I N A !


Personally, at the moment, we don’t know much about China, this people, their culture and their traditions. Occasionally, in Italy, intrigued, we tasted something of their cuisine. Occasionally, in Italy, casually, we met the gaze of one of them, at the market or along the corridors of the hospital. Occasionally, in Italy, awkwardly, the media offer us images and confused information, fueling prejudices. Occasionally, in Italy, fortunately, there is some teacher and some willing class who studies something of their history.

But is it enough to judge a Nation? No, absolutely no. And we are here to discover something more, to learn something more, to appreciate something more.But is it enough to judge a Nation? No, absolutely no. And we are here to listen, with all our senses and with our heart, what it has to tell us and to teach us.

But will it be enough to judge this Nation? No, absolutely no. But certainly traveling far and wide, living it day and night, savor and smell it, it will be a good start to know it.

But will it be enough to judge this Nation? No, absolutely no. And that’s not our goal either. More one judges, less one loves.

What is the true meaning of the word traveling? Changing places? Absolutely not! Traveling is changing opinions and prejudices

Anatole France


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