Latest updates! We found a ride to Irkutsk!
We’re on an old minivan a bit battered, which sometimes turn off, and with the seats a bit too tight to rest comfortably. We share the trip with 6 other Uzbekistan boys, some young and some less.
We’re sure there will be among you who will tell us to cheated, who will congratulate for the intelligent choice, who will not understand it and will not share it, who will breathe a sigh of relief.
The point is that the cold season looms, and the remaining days of visa are not so many. We really risk having to do these miles too quickly, without enjoying the trip and the wonderful nature that surrounds us.
We will keep update! Enjoy 🍀
Ps. For the sadists of you, know that we have not removed the most demanding climbs and we have not even gone away from the snow. Indeed, we are going to meet it even more gritty and motivated! 🤘😎🔝